The best way to keep your retention pond or storm water system in compliance is through routine maintenance. Conducting routine retention pond maintenance can save you thousands of dollars in repairs or overhauls of your storm water system. Here are some quick tips to get you started in the right direction and save you a future headache.
Retention Pond Landscape
- When mowing, raise the blade to avoid scalping slopes and causing erosion
- Check for erosion around structures
- Keep grates clear of debris
- Keep landscape vegetation and trees trimmed to allow sunlight to reach the sod and to maintain stable grass cover
- Keep pavement curbs, flumes and inlets free of sediment, leaf litter and lawn cuttings to minimize the material getting into the storm pond or causing site flooding
- For wet ponds, conduct periodic removal of nuisance species to avoid large scale spraying and dredging
- Do not store materials or vehicles in storm water facilities
- Avoid planting shrubs and trees on pond banks to minimize root damage to structures and reduce shading related sod problems
- Keep fertilizers and pesticides out of storm water
- Only used approved aquatic herbicides per application rates listed by manufacturer
Retention Pond Housekeeping
Other tips include typical good housekeeping. By housekeeping, we mean keeping stormdrains, grates and retention ponds litter free. Also, don’t allow trash to accumulate on your property as this could be transferred to your stormwater system as well. The goal here is to keep trash and other pollutants out of the storm water system and retention pond.
If you have any questions, need stormwater system services, or have a retention pond that was found non-compliant, don’t hesitate to give Lapin Services a call. We can come to your site, assess your particular situation, and provide a free estimate. Our knowledgeable staff can also provide you with insight to prevent future problems.
Lapin Services, LLC
3031 40th Street
Orlando, FL 32839