Connecting to Sewer
If you own a property that currently has a septic system, did you know you may be able to connect to the City sewer system? Converting your home from having a septic system, to connecting to the sewer system may not be available in your area just yet. However, if you do have this choice, just know that you may have options available to you.
Did you know that funding may be available in your area, to help offset the costs of connecting your home from a septic to a sewer connection? If a sewer connection is available in your area, we may be able to help you.
The first part of this process is to call us so we can have one of our specialists give you a free consultation and discuss further. We then provide you with a free estimate so that you know the costs that are involved.
All around the State of Florida, there are certain programs and grants available to assist homeowners with covering the costs for a septic to sewer conversion. Many of these areas are located on or nearby the Indian Atlantic River, and the St. Johns Water Management District. From Merrit Island to the Sykes Creek area, major sewer expansion projects to increase capacity have been completed or are currently being completed. The idea behind the project is to help prevent pollutant levels in the estuaries and water bodies. By switching to the sewer, you are not only helping the environment, but also assisting the local wildlife by helping to clean up the waterways.
If you would like a free consultation, or assistance with connecting from septic to sewer, please give us a call today.
Lapin Services
Orlando, FL
(407) 841-8200