The Importance of lift stations

The Importance of lift stations

A sewer lift station, also known as a sewage pumping station, is a facility that moves sewage from a lower elevation to a higher elevation. These stations are used in areas where the sewage system’s natural flow is not sufficient to move the waste to the treatment facility or where the location of the treatment plant is at a higher elevation than the surrounding area.

The station typically includes a pit or wet well where sewage is collected, and one or more pumps that transport the sewage from the pit to the higher elevation through pressurized pipelines. The sewage may be moved to a treatment plant, another lift station or directly into a sewer line.

Lift stations are essential in ensuring that sewage is transported effectively and efficiently, and they are commonly found in municipalities and industrial facilities. They require regular maintenance to prevent blockages and ensure that the pumps and other components are working correctly.



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Orlando, Fl 32839


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