Effluent Septic Tank System Filters Information from Lapin Services.
Effluent Septic Tank System Filters Information from Lapin Services, otherwise known as, Septic tank filters. What are they and why are they so important? The filters are also known as effluent filters and these septic tank attachments are what helps to protect your septic tank filters.
What are they and why are they so important? Also known as effluent septic tank system filter attachments, these filters help protect your drainfield and can mean the difference in how much money you spend on your homes’ septic system.
Effluent Septic Tank System Filters … What Are They?
To help describe what a septic filter does, you first need to know how a septic system works. [Click Here To See Video]. The purpose of your septic system is to filter solids such as scum or sludge coming from your home. The wastewater, or effluent, is released into your drainfield. Once in the drainfield, the soil acts as a natural biological treatment to the effluent before being released into the underlying groundwater.
Septic filters act as yet another step in preventing solids from leaving the septic tank and entering the drainfield.
Why Are Septic Filters Important?
The septic tank filter is what keeps solids out of the drainfield. If solids reach the drainfield, it can cause serious damages and your overall septic system will not work properly. Effluent that is not filtered properly can flow into and clog the drainfield, potentially overflowing onto the surface or contaminating the groundwater. This poses serious health risks to your family and the community. You will also be taking a huge hit on your wallet at the cost of a construction crew repairing your drainfield costing in the thousands of dollars.
How Often Do Filters Need Replacement?
Filters can last a long time. Generally, you do not need to change a septic filter until it’s time for your normally scheduled tank cleaning. Most septic tank cleanings can be done every 3 years. If your filter requires more frequent replacement or cleaning, maybe it’s time to reassess what you’re putting down your drain or flushing down the toilet. Materials such as diapers or grease that won’t break down in the septic tank as required and can clog your filter. Here are some Septic Pumping Do’s and Don’ts. Here is another page on how to Protect Your Drainfield.
Maintain a Healthy Septic System
As with all things septic or plumbing, you may think to yourself, “out of sight, out of mind.” However, not taking the proper steps to ensuring a healthy septic system in your home could mean the difference between a couple hundred dollars every few years, or several thousand for a complete septic system repair. Don’t fall into this trap. Save your wallet and your peace of mind and make sure you have your septic tank filter regularly inspected, cleaned, and/or replaced.
Let Lapin Services give you peace of mind with all things Plumbing, Septic, or Sewer related.
Lapin Services, LLC
3031 40th Street
Orlando, FL 32839